Sunday, October 20, 2013

Opinionated Post Introduction: My Outlook

I set to live my life by a few basic principles... the first two are the most important, the last three are really more for giggles.

1. Live and let live.  Ie. religion, political party, sexual preference... doesn't much affect me.
2. Those who give to others are richer than those who do not.  This can basically be summed up into one word: altruism.

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3. Money can buy happiness.  The joy I get from shopping is pretty much unmatched by any other activity in life.  Call me superficial, wouldn't be the first time.
4. With that money, purchasing proper food should be almost every one's top priority... And I mean quality, nutritious, colourful, flavourful, balanced food.  Not rubbish potato chips, though I do love a good sour cream and onion Lay!
5. Sarcasm is an artfully crafted skill that hinges on taking something absolutely absurd somewhat seriously.

Understanding my general outlook will be necessary for the next post.

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